on losing my hair

I knew I was going to lose my hair, and I knew it would likely start around two weeks after my first chemo treatment. I didn’t shave my head or cut my hair short before hand like a lot of people choose to do, which left me looking something like Argus Filch. I had a very tiny bit of long hair left and a decent amount of my bangs, and last night it was finally bothering me so much that I shaved my head. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but I am sad I won’t have hair again until the Fall. I’ve learned some unexpected things about losing hair in the process that I thought I’d write about..

If you had a part in your hair you will likely have a tan line running where it sat, kind of like a linea migraine during pregnancy. I thought this was actually kind of funny, even though it looks weird.

Most people don’t just lose the hair on their head. Yes, you can lose it everywhere. I get a lot of eyelashes stuck in my eyes too.

It happens fast and furious. Over about 3 days I lost 90% of my hair. Washing it in the shower made it fall out much quicker. Protect your drain with a hair catcher.

I had way more hair that I thought I did. The amount of hair sitting in my garbage can was insane, and it just kept coming

I was told my head would be sore and sensitive, but it hasn’t been. It often happens that way, but I haven’t noticed any yet. It’s just a bit itchy.

Hair that’s falling out mats very badly. Sleeping on it or even having it in a hair tie will cause it to mat like a dog or cat’s fur. I was literally brushing mats out of my hair. They’d  just come out entirely. I guess the hair that’s falling out just gets all tangled together. My cat often gets a mat under her chin  no matter what we do to stop it. We relate on a deeper level now. I feel you, Charlie.

It won’t be even. It’s clumpy and patchy, with some spots completely bare and some stubbly. It’s not a good look.

It gets all over everything even if kept tied up. I swifter about eight times a day. Stiffer cloths work better than anything at picking up hair.

Tiny baby hands are excellent hair pullers. I don’t think it freaked him out, but my nine month old would grab a bunch of hair and it came right out in his hands.

Wigs are way more complicated than I had expected. They’re expensive, they fit funny, they’re hot, and many of them actually have combs to attach to actual hair making them useless for bald people. I got one, but I don’t love it. I’m sure they work well for some people and I’m sure I will wear mine, it’s just not great. I may like it more when I get bangs cut into it. I like bangs.

Shaving it right to the head can be dangerous because cuts don’t heal as well with chemo, so there is still some stubble. The stubble sticks through my scarves, but hey, at least it holds them in place!

Why didn’t I just shave my head to begin with? Tiny hairs everywhere didn’t sound appealing either, and I think I just wanted to hang onto my hair for as long as I could. I feel naked and exposed without it, even with a hat or scarf. Hats have never really fit me well or looked good on me. Still, it hasn’t been as bad as I had expected. I didn’t cry when I shaved it off, and sometimes I even forget and think it’s just in a pony tail. My older son (who was initially curious about me losing my hair and really wanted to see says he likes me with long hair better, but he still loves me like this. Me too, kiddo, me too.


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